Reflection for This Month

on Minggu, 04 Oktober 2009

The Church of My Dreams - by John M. MooreShare
Sumber : Titis - Facebook Notes

This is the church of my dreams;
The church of the warm heart, of the open mind, of the adventurous spirit.
The church that cares; that heals hurt lives.
That comforts old people, that challenges youth.
That knows no divisions of culture or class.
No frontiers, geographical or social.
The church that inquires as well as avers;
That looks forward as well as backward.
The church of the Master, the church of the people.
High as the ideals of Jesus, low as the humblest human.
A working church, a worshipping church, a winsome church;
A church that interprets the truth in terms of truth.
That inspires courage for this life and hope for the life to come;
A church of courage
A church of all good men.
A church of the living God.

Semoga demikian halnya dengan GITJ kita...

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Titin mengatakan...

Semoga GITJ bisa menjadi gereja seperti yang diimpikan kita semua.

sam mengatakan...

logo grejanya mantap ya...

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